Mobile Development
Advanced Kotlin Programming

Advanced Kotlin Programming

Delve deep into the world of Kotlin, a modern and versatile JVM language.

In this advanced training, explore Kotlin's unique features and mechanisms, touching on topics like advanced functions, classes, delegation, generics, metaprogramming, and asynchronous programming, equipping participants with a comprehensive grasp of Kotlin's capabilities.

What will you learn?

Embark on a transformative journey into Advanced Kotlin Programming. Throughout this course, participants will:

  • Understand what differentiates Kotlin from other JVM languages.
  • Master advanced functional paradigms and best practices.
  • Dive into complex class scenarios, extending the power of classes and objects.
  • Unearth Kotlin's delegation mechanisms for cleaner and reusable code.
  • Navigate the intricate world of generics in Kotlin.
  • Tap into metaprogramming techniques for introspection and annotation.
  • Employ Kotlin's coroutine mechanism to address asynchronous programming challenges.


A basic understanding of Kotlin or a similar programming language.

Course Outline*:

*We know each team has their own needs and specifications. That is why we can modify the training outline per need.

Getting Started

  • Introduction to Advanced Kotlin Programming
  • Quick Refresher on Kotlin Basics

Mastering Advanced Functions

  • Exploring Nested and Anonymous Functions
  • Delving into Infix Notation, Inline Modifiers, and Tail Recursion
  • Operator Overloading and Advanced Function Use Cases
  • Embracing Lambdas with Receivers and Functional Constructs

Deep Dive into Kotlin Classes

  • Fields, Nested and Inner Classes, and Companion Objects
  • Class Modifiers: "lateinit", Sealed Classes, and more
  • Type Aliases for Enhanced Readability

Exploring the Power of Delegation

  • Concept and Benefits of Member Delegation
  • Strategies for Effective Property Delegation
  • Extension Properties for Code Enhancement

Understanding Generics in Depth

  • Generic Constraints and Variance Principles
  • Covariance and Contravariance in Generics
  • Advanced Type Projections in Kotlin

Metaprogramming and Reflection in Kotlin

  • Introduction to Kotlin and Java Reflection APIs
  • Navigating Type Erasure and Reified Generics
  • Crafting Custom Annotations for Enhanced Utility

Asynchronous Programming with Coroutines

  • Asynchronous Challenges and Kotlin’s Approach
  • Implementing "Async", "Await", and "Yield" with Coroutines
  • Comparing Coroutines with Reactive Extensions

Concluding Thoughts

  • Recap of Advanced Kotlin Techniques
  • Next Steps and Further Learning Resources

Hands-on learning with expert instructors at your location for organizations.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Immersive hands-on experience in a dedicated setting
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

Master new skills guided by experienced instructors from anywhere.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Reduced training costs
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

You can participate in a Public Course with people from other organisations.


/per trainee

Number of Participants

1 Participant

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Hours (days:
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Fits ideally for individuals and small groups
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Networking opportunities with fellow participants.
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.